Uppsala University If you are a student at Uppsala University you will need to apply for the Mecenat card. First download a Registration Certificate that shows your course registrations for the current semester.


Vilka intyg accepterar Mecenat? Mer information här. Saknar du permanent personnummer, ange tillfälligt personnummer du fått av lärosätet eller samordningsnummer du fått av Skatteverket. Saknar du även det så skriv födelsedatum + fyra nollor. Övriga utbildningar

I have visited several major cities in Sweden such as Uppsala, When preparing for your studies at Uppsala University it is important that you consider the practical details of your time as an international student. This includes where you will live, how you will finance your studies, what insurance coverage and healthcare benefits will apply to you. Mecenat's Printed Brochure BRIEF: Mecenat's brochure is the most important printed communication of the semester. The brochure is sent, along with the Mecenat card, to 120,000 students in Sweden.

Mecenat card uppsala

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Accepted student ID cards are Studentkortet and Mecenatkortet. ul zoner arlanda uppsala. Viator uses cookies för  av Uppsala universitets studentkårer, eftersom Uppsala universitet ansvarade In the Mecenat app you're able to access your Mecenat card for this semester. samtal med mecenat som sköter medlemssystemet kan det dock vara värt att titta på lösningar för automatisk och väldigt lite värme, eller aktivitet på mailen sedan jag kom till Uppsala. member was to obtain the Mecenate card. I would like  Studentrabatt. Studenter har 25 procent rabatt på många av våra biljetter.

Mecenat is an international student discount service that can verify 130 million students worldwide.

To travel with a student discount, you need to have a student ID from Mecenat or Studentkortet STUK as an app with the Student Travel icon. The student ID must be valid for the entire time that the period ticket is valid. Please contact mecenat.se or studentkortet.se if you have questions about how to get your student ID card.

The card costs SEK 20 when you load it with travel funds for at least SEK 50 or any ticket. Once you have a card you can also upload it in our ticket machines.

Where can I buy a guest card? Guest cards can only be purchased by students who do not study in Uppsala. Guest cards can be purchased at any of the nations and at Kuratorskonventet’s Guest card expedition at Övre Slottsgatan 7. GUEST CARD EXPEDITION OPENING HOURS : Tuesday-Friday 17:00-19:00 Saturday: 13:00-15:00

Mecenat card uppsala

Mecenat is an international student discount service that can verify 130 million students worldwide. A Scandinavian technology company that develops offers, advocates for the student segment, raises awareness and loyalty. Delivering world class student discounts is about persistence, passion, knowledge, relevance and great Find groups in Uppsala, Sweden that host online or in person events and meet people in your local community who share your interests. Mecenat Mastercard har nu upphört att gälla. Vi erbjuder inte längre möjligheten att ansöka eller inneha Mecenat Mastercard. Från och med den 1 januari 2017 upphör avtalet mellan Mecenat och kortutgivaren Entercard Sverige AB. För dig som kund innebär det följande: • Ditt Mecenat Mastercard avslutades den 31 december 2016.

For more information on how to acquire one, see here. I have received a Mecenart-card with the JF logo at the bottom of my card, does it work as a membership card? The answer is no.
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Mecenat card uppsala

The brochure is sent, along with the Mecenat card, to 120,000 students in Sweden. This makes it an excellent opportunity to show that you are a student-friendly brand while being the first to offer your student discount to new students. Mecenat ger sig ut på vägarna igen med Mecenat on Campus som blivit en tradition vid terminsstart. 18 campus från norr till söder kommer få besök under fyra veckor. Där kan studenterna ta en fika, tävla, hänga med kompisarna och samtidigt ta del av information och erbjudanden från Mecenat och ett urval av deras partners.

Once you have a card you can also upload it in our ticket machines.
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The campus card is a multi-function card including a photo of the cardholder. If you work at the university, you should have a campus card. If you have questions, see below. From January 2018 the campus card will also be used for borrowing books and other printed matters at the university library. If you are new at Uppsala University

tjänar du antagligen på att ha en årsbiljett Mecenat- eller Studentkort med på. Also, if you're applying to Uppsala or Lund University, being part of the studentkår can be achieved An example of a student card / Photo: Emma Having the Mecenat app gives you access to lots of brilliant student deals. ULS hittar du på Ultuna campus fem kilometer söder om Uppsala centrum.